How To Drift A Car Without Handbrake: Discover Easy Techniques!

It may sound like a difficult task to drift a car without a handbrake, but it’s a thrilling ability to master. Making your car slide gently through corners is the goal of drifting, and you can accomplish it without using the handbrake. For even complete beginners to grasp, we’ll walk you through the fundamentals of handbrake-free drifting in this post.

We’ll show you how to make those fantastic sideways slides without pulling the handbrake by using weight transfer, throttle control, and accurate steering. The real pleasure in drifting starts when you learn to maintain control while moving in an erratic direction. So buckle up if you’re prepared to explore the amazing world of handbrake-free automobile drifting and learn how to drift a car without a handbrake like a pro! 

What Is Drifting In A Car?

Drifting is an exciting driving manoeuvre in which the driver purposefully causes their vehicle to drift sides through a turn. It’s similar to dancing while driving your automobile! Drifters purposefully cause their car’s back wheels to lose traction, which causes the car to slide, rather than simply navigating a bend without incident. As the driver struggles to maintain control, this causes a smooth sideways motion.

You must be adept at managing your car’s speed, steering, and balance to drift well. Due to its ability to combine accuracy, excitement, and a thorough understanding of your car’s behaviour, drifting is a favourite among experienced racers and car fans. It’s exciting to learn and master since it’s like an art form for cars.

Common Causes Of The Handbrake-Free Drifting In A Car

Before we delve into how to drift a car without handbrake. Firstly, we’ll see some common causes of the handbrake-free drifting. Getting your automobile to slide sideways through curves without engaging the handbrake is the key to handbrake-free drifting. This thrilling driving method is made possible by a few crucial elements. Let’s look at the reasons why handbrake-free drifting occurs:

1. Transfer Of Weight:

Managing your car’s weight is one of the main reasons handbrake-free drifting occurs. You must shift your weight to the back wheels if you wish to drift. This can be accomplished by swiftly and deliberately altering your speed, either by stepping on the throttle or lightly braking as you approach a corner. To drift, you want the rear wheels to have less grip as more weight is placed on them.

2. Throttle Control:

Your ability to operate the gas pedal (throttle) is another important factor. You can cause oversteer by gradually opening and closing the throttle. When your car oversteers, the back of the vehicle begins to slide out. You must be careful when using the gas pedal, adding or removing power to manage the drift.

3. Countersteering:

When your automobile starts to slide, you must use your steering wheel to change the direction of the slide. This entails rotating your wheels in the drift’s direction. For instance, you would turn the steering wheel to the left if your car’s back end was sliding to the left. Your car won’t spin out of control as a result of this.

4. Rubber Grip:

Your tires’ composition is a key factor in handbrake-free drifting. For this type of driving, softer, more grippy tires are preferable. They enable your car to slide with greater control.

Therefore, weight transfer, throttle control, and countersteering when combined allow you to start and maintain a drift without ever applying the handbrake. Precision, control, and balance are key. But keep in mind that perfecting a talent takes practice, so always begin in a safe setting where you may hone your drifting techniques without endangering other people or yourself.

How To Drift A Car Without Handbrake: A Simple Guide!

Even if it sounds difficult, drifting a car without using the handbrake is completely possible with the appropriate strategy. Simply put, drifting is when you intentionally cause your car to slide sideways through a turn. It’s nice and feels like a controlled slide. Here is how to do this:

1. Locate The Proper Area:

First, make sure you train in a secure area, such as a closed-off track or an empty parking lot. Safety is the most crucial factor.

A Beginner Lesson on How to Drift a Car Using the Hand Brake - AxleAddict

2. Determine The Best Car:

For drifting, some vehicles are superior to others. The best vehicles are those with rear-wheel drive (RWD), but you can also experiment with front-wheel drive (FWD) or all-wheel drive (AWD) vehicles.

3. Deactivate The Traction Control:

Traction control is a feature found in many automobiles. It can obstruct drifting, so you’ll want to turn it off. The goal of drifting is to prevent your tires from slipping, which is exactly what traction control seeks to prevent.

4. Weight Change:

You must shift your car’s weight to initiate a drift. You can do this by swiftly depressing the brake and gas pedals to accelerate or slow down the vehicle while turning the steering wheel.

5. Turning The Throttle:

You’ll notice that your car’s back begins to skid when you do that. At this point, you should use caution when applying the gas. The slide will continue if you press it just right.

6. Countersteering:

Turn the steering wheel in the direction of the slide as your car is moving downhill. It’s known as countersteering. It assists you in maintaining control and guiding your car through the drift.

7. Practice Makes Perfect:

Learning how to drift takes practice. If it doesn’t work flawlessly the first time, don’t be upset. Continue to practice, and you’ll improve.

8. Prioritize Your Safety:

When you are attempting to drift, always wear a helmet and your seatbelt. Never take safety for granted.

Therefore, to put it simply, drifting without a handbrake. Choose the correct vehicle, disable traction control, shift weight, monitor throttle, and countersteer, practice a lot, and always prioritize safety. Now, get out there and enjoy yourself while honing your drifting skills!


It might be difficult yet satisfying to learn how to drift a car without handbrake. Weight transfer, throttle management, and countersteering must all be thoroughly understood. It may take some time to become an expert at handbrake-free drifting, but with persistence and practice, you may experience the thrill and satisfaction of deftly gliding your car around curves. While learning the art of drifting, keep safety first at all times, and most importantly, have fun.